We have the pleasure to invite you to the webinar with
Polish-Portuguese Chamber of Commerce
Belgian Business Chamber:
Aid for entrepreneurs affected by the second wave of the pandemic – what solutions can still be used?
The event will take place on 15th December 2020
from 11:00 am to 12:00 am
Our experts will discuss the following topics:
- Co-financing of employees’ remuneration pursuant to Art. 15g and art. 15gg anti-crisis shield
- Settlement of the received subsidies for employee salaries
- Social security contributions – postponement of the payment date, exemption from paying contributions
- Advance payment for income tax on remuneration – deferred payment date
- Occupational Health and Safety and Occupational Medicine during a pandemic
- Overdue vacation leave – leave order
- (Still) current tax solutions
The webinar will be held in Polish. Participation is free.
Please confirm your attendance by sending ‘Name, Surname, Company name’ to this email: sdmytruk@advicero.eu.
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