Sectors Due diligence & transaction advisory

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Due diligence & transaction advisory

When planning a large transaction such as a disposal, acquisition or merger of enterprises, it is important to carefully review all aspects involved. It is therefore worth undertaking due diligence analysis beforehand. Its purpose is to assess the tax and financial situation of given entity and to identify its potential risks. On one hand, it serves on the security of the acquirer, whilst, on the other hand, it can influence the process of negotiating the value of said transaction.

For Your successful/secure/beneficial transactions we:

  • offer transparent cooperation conditions tailored to Your needs;
  • conduct a detailed survey on the business activities of the audited entity(ies);
  • perform a thorough analysis of the data and documents provided, including those relating to sales contracts, escrow, financing and tax clauses;
  • conduct comprehensive financial and tax due diligence with the possibility of subcontracting legal due diligence;
  • identify the risks and their level in each of the areas reviewed;
  • draft a final report on the conducted audit;
  • provide a list of recommendations or areas for improvement along with potential remedies;
  • provide advisory services in the process of planning and implementing acquisition and divestment structures;
  • provide support in negotiations with other entities;
  • seek the most favourable solutions for the planned transaction processes.

Due diligence and transaction advisory projects among others are carried out under the supervision of legal advisor, tax advisor Agnieszka Kosicka.

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